Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 2013 Meeting - Hunter's Star


Tuesday, July 25, 2013

Show and Tell

Many folks were showing off their take on Melinda’s demonstration in July.  Melinda thanks so much for inspiring us.

Laurel experimented with patterns on paper (including a four color version).


Lorraine created some beautiful blocks with batiks.  Figuring out to arrange these creations is the next challenge.

Jody found a perfect border fabric to go with her yellow and gray mini masterpiece.

Jody, your granddaughter is going to look splendid in this lovely dress.

Melinda went to Quilt Camp (see upcoming dates below) and made these wonderful quilts -BQ3, Convergence Quilt, Pop of Color.  The BQ3 showcased some beautiful Aboriginal inspired fabric.

Caren created her own fabric  You can even design your own wrapping paper.  Ladies, Caren didn't include a picture of her fabulous fabric... maybe we can ask to include a picture.

Laurel, your applique blocks are beautiful.  Each block brings a different challenge while appliquing.

The pattern calls for the blocks to look like this when put together:

Most likely Laurel won't be calling attention away from the flowers with the triangle frames.


Lorraine, thanks so much for showing us how to use Deb Tucker’s ruler to make the Rapid Fire Hunter Star using chain piecing techniques.  The ruler is really brilliant and your demonstration fabulous. WOW! You have inspired us.

The ruler comes with super directions and lots of ways to arrange these stellar blocks.

Some links if you’d like to learn more about the Hunter Star Block ruler:

Upcoming Meetings
            August 27th at Laurel’s
Topic: TBD.  Caren suggested folks visit the article she wrote and see what they would like to learn and what they would like to teach. Link:

September 24th  (at Laurel's?)

Topic: Krista (our guest at this meeting) got ‘elected’ to show the group how to make washable/reusable ‘ziplock’ bags.  I am looking forward to see how to make them.  Krista, I hope I didn't twist your arm too much.

Upcoming Events

August and September: Quilt Camp (near Lake Tahoe)

Sierra Quilting Camps
Bev Stookey

August 11-15, 2014
September 8-12, 2014

Quilt Trail in Lake County.  They paint quilt blocks on barnsJ

September 28-29: Quilting in the Garden at Alden Lane Nursery

October 17-20: PIQF (Pacific International Quilt Festival)

November 7-10: Jingle Bells Shop Hop (includes the store in Milpitas)

More Show and Tell


Thursday, July 11, 2013

June 2013 - We're Back

Welcome to the Sew Quilty blog! I thought it would be great to have a place where we could display the pictures of projects from our group's Show & Tell. Not everyone is able to make it to our meetings each month due to conflicts of schedule or like Sharon and some of our other regular members, they moved! Now those that can't attend our meetings can get inspired and keep up to date with what we are doing. Those that have moved or can't attend can send me pictures to post of what quilting or sewing projects they are working on. We'd love to hear from them.

June's gathering at Laurel's was fantastic! That is where we will be holding our meetings unless Laurel is out of town and then we will meet at my house (Sharon's old place). We had 8 members come to our first meeting since we took our long break. There were lots of great projects shared (even finished!) and ideas and inspiration gathered.

Melinda gave us a great demonstration on a super easy quilt block using 2 1/2" strips from jelly rolls.
1. Sew 5 of your 40" strips together. Make a bunch of sets of these.
2. Now you have a 10" x 40" rectangle of strips. Cut that into 4 - 10" x 10" blocks. Make a bunch of these.
3. Place two 10" squares right sides facing and the direction of the strips perpendicular to each other.
4. Sew around the perimeter of the squares.
5. Cut the sewn squares diagonally from corner to corner so that you now have 4 new quilt blocks.

You can play with the direction of the  new blocks or with what order you place the fabrics in the 5 strips. Here is a link to a tutorial I found online:

Our next meeting is on July 23, 2013 at 7pm at Laurel's house. If you need an address or want to send me digital photos of your projects, then e-mail me (Caren) at CDMRHSF97@GMAIL.COM.

Here are some quilts from Show & Tell that night. The owners of these can send me an e-mail if they want and give me a description to put under the pictures. Sorry I did not get all of the projects from the night and I only had my phone camera so they aren't that great. Next meeting I'll bring my camera.